Friday, January 12, 2007

I want to buy my FIRST home

As a realtor, I have many friends who constantly ask me questions about getting in to the real-estate market. Conversations usually go like this:

You: Hey Ray, I want to buy a house. What do I do? Find me one.
Ray: Ok. What type of property are you interested in? What neighborhood? What price range?
You: uhhh….I want to live in Arlington.
You: I want to live in DC.
You: Price? Uhhh….something I can afford.

Such conversations are not bad. It’s just that if you’re serious about buying your first home, then you need to do more homework before anyone can truly help. Many Realtors can help you through the basics but most of the information is available on the web. However, this information is pretty spread out and this site is to hold your hand through a first time home buying process so that you know what you need to do in order to purchase your home and so that you can buy a home with confidence.

Keep in mind, however, that all the advice I give you here is strictly based on my opinion. You will find things that you may not agree with and that’s ok, the whole purpose is to help you gain insight through the home buying process. If you find something you don’t agree with then just post your comments and we’ll have a friendly discussion. Further, my opinions are not a reflection of the companies I mention or employed by. Some of you cynics will probably say “oh, this is just a marketing ploy by Ray.” My response? Of course it’s a marketing ploy. But its main purpose is to share my experiences as a Realtor and to educate everyone on this site, including my friends, so that readers will have better insight into buying homes. Additionally, I don't have to repeat the same information to my friends if I'm out at a bar. I can just guide them to this blog.

So, I will post a series of items for you to be aware of when purchasing a home. Additionally, I’ll have helpful links to other sites that offer valuable information.

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